Owner & Deceased Pet Information
Deceased Pet Pick Up / Drop Off Information
Authorization, Unclaimed Remains, and Release
Authorization: I certify that I am the owner, or authorized agent of the owner, of the pet described in Step 1 and that I am 18 years of age or older. I understand that water cremation is an irreversible process and I hereby authorize the following method of water cremation:
Unclaimed Remains: I understand if my pet's cremated remains are unclaimed for 30 days after notification of cremated remains availability, the Crematory reserves the right to dispose of the cremated remains in a dignified manner.
Release and Certification: I agree to release and indemnify the Crematory, agents and employees, from any claim, liability, cost or expense resulting from their reliance on or performance consistent with the directions, authorizations and agreements herein. I agree that the Crematory’s liability for negligent acts (of itself, agents, or employees) is limited to a refund of the cremation fees paid for this pet. I warrant that all representations and statements contained in this form are true and correct. I have read, understand, and agree with this document.